Report miscellaneous income with TaxZerone’s accurate and hassle-free e-filing solution for Form 1099-MISC.
Start at just $2.49, with prices as low as $0.59 per form for bulk filings.
For your return volume
Filing Form 1099-MISC has never been easier. Here’s what you’ll need:
Filing your Form 1099-MISC with TaxZerone is fast, easy, and secure. Here’s how you can do it in just three simple steps:
Fill in your business/individual details (EIN/SSN), recipient's information (name, address, TIN), and payment information such as rents, royalties, or other income.
Ensure accuracy with TaxZerone’s IRS validations, then securely e-file your Form 1099-MISC to the IRS.
Securely deliver the recipient's copy via ZeroneVault or opt for traditional postal mailing.
TaxZerone is the trusted e-filing solution for businesses of all sizes. Here’s why:
TaxZerone automatically validates your forms, ensuring accuracy and compliance to reduce rejections and penalties.
Easily upload and file multiple forms in one go, saving time for businesses of all sizes.
Deliver recipient copies securely through ZeroneVault or traditional postal mail.
With affordable pricing starting at $2.49 per form, TaxZerone ensures value without compromising quality.
Our intuitive form-based interface simplifies the filing process.
Receive step-by-step assistance and helpful prompts to complete your filing confidently.
Deadline: January 31, 2025** Ensure timely delivery of recipient copies through ZeroneVault for secure electronic sharing, or choose postal mail.
Deadline: March 31, 2025 Submit your Form 1099-MISC electronically.
Deadline: February 28, 2025 Mail your Form 1099-MISC if filing on paper.
No. of Forms | Price Per Form |
1 to 25 | $2.49 |
26 to 50 | $1.99 |
51 to 100 | $1.59 |
101 to 250 | $1.29 |
251 to 500 | $1.09 |
501 to 1000 | $0.79 |
1001 and above | $0.59 |
Estimate Your Price
Enter the number of to calculate your estimated cost | |
Total Price: | $0.00 |
W-2/1099 State Filing | Price Per Form |
Per Form | $0.99 |
Estimate Your Price
Enter the number of to calculate your estimated cost | |
Total Price: | $0.00 |
W-2/1099/1095 Postal Mailing | Price Per Form |
Per Form | $1.75 |
Estimate Your Price
Enter the number of to calculate your estimated cost | |
Total Price: | $0.00 |
W-2/1099/1095 Electronic Delivery | Price Per Form |
Per Form | $0.50 |
Estimate Your Price
Enter the number of to calculate your estimated cost | |
Total Price: | $0.00 |
Did you know that some states require separate filings for Form 1099-MISC in addition to the federal filing?Ensure compliance with state-specific tax laws by filing in all required jurisdictions.
Avoid the stress of last-minute filing! With Schedule Filing, you can plan your Form 1099-MISCsubmissions in advance, and we’ll handle the filing process when the time arrives.
Choose a filing date that works for you, and we’ll ensure your Form 1099-MISC is submitted to the IRS promptly and accurately.
Allow recipients to review their 1099-MISC forms before submission, enabling corrections to be made early and ensuring accuracy.
Scheduling your filing gives you time to validate details, minimizing errors and eliminating the hassle of submitting IRS correction forms later.
TaxZerone makes it easy and secure to deliver Form 1099-MISC copies to your recipients on time.Choose the method that works best for your business:
Get started today and complete your Form 1099-MISC in just 3 simple steps!
The deadline to file Form 1099-MISC depends on how you are submitting the form and the type of payments reported: